Outdoor parcis et otium locis: installing DUXERIT sub lucerna S juxta semitas, in flos cubilibus aut juxta otium sedes in parcum potest providere mollis et calidum lucendi noctem ambulat vel otium actiones, dum crescens pulchritudinem loci.
Quadratum et pedestrem platea in media area quadratum vel utrinque pedestri via, duxit sub lumina potest formare continua lucendi lineae ad ducem fluxus et creare modum et modern urbana atmosphaera.
Commercial blocks and shopping centers: At the entrance of the commercial block, in front of the store or in the atrium of the shopping center, LED underground lamps can not only provide necessary lighting, but also attract customers' attention through color changes and dynamic effects, and enhance the attractiveness of commercial activities.
Urbana sculptures et landscape lucentes: DUXERIT sub lumina saepe solebat illustrant urbana sculpturas seu landscape sketches. Per praecisam lucem proiectura, in tres dimensiva et singula sculpturas sunt illustratur, et culturae et artis atmosphaera civitatis auctus.
Residential areas and green belts: At the entrance of residential areas, on both sides of roads or in green belts, LED underground lights can create a warm and safe living environment, while improving the overall quality of the community.
Quisque lots et negotiationis nodis: at Key Locations in raedam lots vel negotiationis nodis, duxit subterraneis luminaria potest providere patet, auxilium, auxilio locorum, et emendare iter conditionibus et raedam positions, et emendare via conditionibus et raedam positions, et emendare negotiationis salus.33333